Prof. Dr. med. vet. Dr. h. c. Michael Hess
Clinic for Poultry and Fish Medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine

“Pathogen control: challenges and perspectives in today’s poultry production”
“Change in husbandry, legislation and consumer expectations has substantially challenged the existing concepts calling for new strategies for pathogen control. For this the panel of existing vaccines has to be increased not to forget biosecurity with fundamental impact on the epidemiology of microorganisms. New concepts have to consider all aspects of pathogen biology and a holistic approach needs to be applied to unravel host pathogen interactions.”

Dr. Jean-Michel Reperant
Researcher at avian parasitology team at the Ploufragan research laboratory at Anses

“Challenges and perspectives in poultry health and poultry production: the coccidiosis issue”
“Different approaches to control their impact are available, each having its interests and disadvantages. Anticoccidial feed additives are the most used prophylactic method, especially in conventional broilers, and pullets for laying to a lesser extent. Resistance concerns and a problem of acceptability by the consumer question their use in the future. New approaches are investigated worldwide, mainly focusing on plant extracts that may act directly on the parasites or in reducing their impact, during or after infection to improve compensatory growth.”

Dipl.-Ing. Barbara Auer
Director Sales Betaine at Agrana Sales and Marketing GmbH

“Requirements on quality standards and challenges in today’s poultry feed production”
“Quality standards are playing an important role in todays feed production. AGRANA products fulfil a high-quality standard to guarantee safe and secure products for the B2B sector. AGRANAs natural betaine impresses and follows the trend through its characteristics such as GMO-free, 100% plant based and naturalness.”